About Us
The Turkish State Meteorological Service, Turkish State Meteorological
Service which was established on 10 February 1937 is only authorized governmental
establishment to do following meteorological related works and services:
- Prepare and issue weather forecast reports for short, medium and long range;
- Establish and operate weather observing stations for synoptic, climatological and
aviation purposes;
- Provide meteorological data and services to public and military;
- Coordinate and carry out international activities;
- Coordinate and carry out research activities;
The TSMS has the membership of the following international organizations:
- WMO (the World Meteorological Organization),
a specialised agency of the United Nations which organises the work and collaboration
of all the national meteorological services
- ECMWF, a European intergovernmental
organisation providing global meteorological and oceanographic forecasts
- EUMETSAT, the European meteorological
satellite organisation for the establishment, maintenance and exploitation of operational
meteorological satellite systems
- ECOMET, a European
organisation dealing with commercial activities within the meteorological community.
- ICAO, a UN specialised agency
which provides Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) for the safe, regular
and economic performance of international civil aviation.